stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
A Techno-phobe seeks advice.
by Phizzy inthis may seem simple to all you young folks(under 50) out there, but this old fart is just wondering, how much can people see on facebook in the way of comments, if you have privacy up and running so that, i thought, only those you have friended can see what you comment ?.
i am not overly bothered, but it occurs to me that since in recent times i have been more active on fb, my outspoken comments against the jw scam may be visible to those who are not actually "friends" ???.
i am just wondering if i should expect (as in monty python) the spanish inquisition ?.
stan livedeath
yes--i was bigmac till the site got born again--then i couldnt log in so created this a/c. ive use stan livedeath for a few years now.
to be nit picky about the car colour--it isnt actually BRG---but a lighter colour called le mans green. ive been after a TF in that colour for a year now----and found it 2 miles from where i live lol.
stan livedeath
you can drive--then i can drink lol -
stan livedeath
so are
s 666 xjw ( s is my surname initial )
so is
m6 xjw---which--with a well placed plastic fastener could read--ms xjw ( my initials )
stan livedeath isnt my real name ha ha.
stan livedeath
Could you explain the numberplate of the convertible?
theres no significance----its what was issued by the DVLA ( UK ) when first registered.
i read it as fuck you Kitt.
i may well replace it with another XJW plate when funds allow.
i must give full credit to Cantleave for the 666 xjw plate----i was at a party at his house & he searched online to find it on the DVLA website. he then suggested i buy it. its best to take Cantleave's suggestions very seriously.
JW Threatened me with Violence Today :)
by cofty ini popped into the supermarket for a few things after work today and found myself walking up an aisle alongside a couple who used to be in my tuesday group.
i see them reasonably often and always say hello much to their obvious annoyance.
i noticed that ian was sporting a shaggy beard.
stan livedeath
i dont think Cofty is an arsehole.
but i'm sure he HAS an arsehole
praise be to God he created the arsehole
where would we be without one.?
stan livedeath
bumped for Marvster--and any other UK newbies or lurkers -
Education is 'HARD', first test after 27 years
by The Marvster inwell, in an effort to completely rebel against all things 'watchtower', i decided that since i gave all my years since leaving school to the borg, and listened to their admonition to avoid 'higher education' i have just started... right from bottom.... today i took a 2 hour maths test to see if i would be eligible to go on a course to re-take my gcse maths exam (this is the qualification you study for here in england in the last 2 years of compulsory schooling from ages 14-16).
back in may 1988 i did no revision, and didn't study hence a complete flop of all exams.... and seeing that 'education' wasn't on the agenda back then, and has always been warned against, (unless it was perhaps trade oriented) it was wiped from my mind... yep a jw mind-wipe occurred here, i've decided to go back to school, just for the challenge of it, f**k the org, i might have wasted decades swallowing their philosophy, but i don't have to let that past control me now... the test was 'really' hard going... and i don't think i passed, but can still get on a more basic course to start me off if i don't get on the main course.... the tutors were so warm and enthusiastic about me taking up the study at aged 43, it was so nice to hear someone get excited that i'm going to study (never in 29 years with the borg) .
i've also learned something else; jw's talk about the 'highest education' that the watchtower supposedly teaches... bullshit, that 'call and response' crap that you do in watchtower study and other meetings, that parroting, has got to be the lowest form of education there is, you don't use your brain, you don't have to analyse or think or deduce or calculate, or use savvy... it's just call and response, and nothing more, pure repetition, answer what's in the paragraph.
stan livedeath
hello Marvster----i'm in the UK too--well--just about.
if your interested--theres a secret UK facebook group with about 200 members on it--lots post on here. PM me for further info if you want to.
meanwhile--heres a link to other UK members on here: